EntityLevelMetadataCache Provides the base object that brings together an application object, user credentials, entity level and field level data, plug ins, and actions.
FilterRuleCache Caches the Filter Rule to improve performance as Filter Rules usually dont change so frequently. Improves speed of execution since the data structure required to evaluate Filter Rules doesn't need to be reloaded from either a DataTable or from the database. But can be cleared on demand
CultureFormatSingletonCache Clears the Culture Formats cache from EntityMetaData. Should be cleared to get fresh culture formats data
FormTemplateMetadataCache Includes clearing of Form Component Metadata, Form Template Part Metadata and User Form Templates
LinkBoxUtilitiesCache Caches various types of search configurations like Entity Search
ObjectRepositoryMetaDataCache Caching information about objects that have already been loaded up previously. Caches the repository meta-data cache
ProcessFlowEngineCache Process Flow Steps Cache, Cache for Process Components data for the Process Flow
SecurityKeyCache Caches Security Key information within shared, on-demand cache.
AlertManagerCache Manages all the Alert Types. Clearing this means we get fresh Alert types from the database
APSystemCache Tracks information for a single AP system record and is used to cache information about the AP systems available
AptifyViewsUtilities Clears the ViewInfo Cache when ViewInfoCacheLevel is set to global to get updated Views
CreditCardTypeCache Caches Credit Card Type information within shared, on-demand cache. Needs to be cleared to fetch updated information
CurrencyTypeCache Clears the Currency Types caches information. Shared, on-demand cache. Needs to be cleared to get fresh data from the database
DashboardMetadataCache Clears caching for meta-data for Dashboard Areas and Dashboard Parts
EmployeeOrderPermissionCache Caches Tax Jurisdiction information within shared, on-demand cache.
EventCache Event Definition, Event Handlers and Event Handler Input Maps. Reloads the Event Definitions collection, resets the Application and Entity specific caches so that it will be recreated based on the new Event Definitions information
ExtenderEntityMetaDataCache Caches meta-data related to the Entity Extension
IINRangeCache Caches IIN Ranges information from spGetCreditCardTypeIINRanges. Clear to get fresh from database
OrderProductCache OrderProductCache resets the Currency Types, Member Types, Product Types and Products caches
PaymentTypeCache Caches Payment Type information, on-demand cache, Payment Types GL Accounts cache
SalesTaxRateGLAccountCache Caches Sales Tax Rate GL Account
ScriptEngineCache ScriptEngine is used to Compile and Execute the .Net Script for VB.Net, CSharp.Net and all the Supported script languaged by CodeDom component. Clear the compiled assemblies cache, so that new script executions will get the latest script. Clear script engines cache, so that they will be reloaded
ServiceApplicationViewCache Caches the Service Applications View
ServiceDataObjectCache Caches the service data object. These objects are defined in the SDO entity. Clearing cache gets the fresh data from database
ServiceProcessFlowCache Caches ServiceProcessFlows Entity & ServiceProcessFlowApplications data
ShipmentTypeGLAccountCache Caches Shipment Type GL Account information within shared, on-demand cache.
ViewInfoCache Cache for the data-only object that can be retrieved from the Aptify application object that contains a view's properties.
WizardMetadataCache Caches the object which provides functionality to streamline data access for wizard meta-data to improve performance